

Vocational assessment

I have assessed students and trainees in every way ever invented, from subjective grading of text, through structured essay questions, to completion exercises, criterion referencing and multiple choice. None is inherently better than the others. Each has its own good and bad points and areas where it works best. Each will benefit some students and disadvantage others.

Criterion referencing (also known unkindly as 'box ticking') works well in situations where trainees acquire a set of identifiable skills. Each can be witnessed and passed individually giving a great sense of continuing achievement.

I designed assessment schemes when first introduced into work-based training. I have worked in, or have experience of, many working environments, and understand the training needs and the language of each.

I have the D32, D33 and D34 assessors awards. If you need an assessment scheme written, or you already have one and would like trainees assessed using it, please get in touch with me.



(C) Peter Scott 2009

Last edit 27 December 2015