
Summary of some of Patrick Holford's tests. For more detail read the book.

Find the description that matches you, then note the following number (-2 to +2). Add up the eleven scores. If negative your physical age is that many years lower than your age in years. Feel pleased. If positive then you are that many years older than your true age. Don't despair. The body soon changes with care and exercise. It can be done!

  How (/ means divide) Score
Pulse rate After 5 min rest Nearest to: 60 -2, 65 -1, 70 0, 75 +1, 80 +2
Blood pressure After 5 min rest: systole, diastole 119/79 or lower -2, about 120/80 -1, 121/81 to 130/85 0, 131/86 to 135/95 +1, 136/96 upwards +2
Body mass index Weight (kg) / height (m) / height (m) (not a good test for muscular people. Muscles are dense) 18 to 19 -2, 20 to 21 -1, 22 to 25 0, 26 to 28 +1, more than 28 +2
Waist to hip ratio men Waist / hips Nearest to: 0.9 or less -2, 0.95 -1, 1 0, 1.05 +1, 1.1 +2
Waist to hip ratio women   Nearest to: 0.75 -2, 0.8 -1, 0.85 0, 0.95 +1, 1 +2
Body fat % men Some home scales have this 15 or less -2, 16 to 19 -1, 20 to 22 0, 23 to 30 +1, more than 30 +2
Body fat % women   26 or less -2, 27 to 29 -1, 30 to 35 0, 36 to 41 +1, more than 41 +2
Muscle strength

Sit on dining chair with 90 degree knees. Stand up not using arms

No arms -2, some help one arm -1, some help both arms 0, much help both arms +1, shuffle forward then both +2
Balance Stand on one leg, hands on hips. See how long before you put the other foot down 30 secs or more -2, 15 to 29 -1, 10 to 14 0, 5 to 9 +1, 4 or less +2
Flexibility Try to touch your toes, legs straight Toes -2, ankles -1, Calves 0, knees +1, not even knees +2
Lung capacity Blow out small candle at arms length First go -2, second try -1, More than two 0, bend arm a bit +1, bend arm a lot +2

Eye test

How fast is it declining? Same for 10 or more years -2, stronger every 5 to 10 years -1, 4 to 5 years 0, 2 to 3 years +1, more often +2
Sex drive Score compared with your peak of desire and performance Same -2, Slightly less desire/ perf OK -1, half desire/perf OK 0, low desire/ reduced perf +1, no desire +2



(C) Peter Scott 2012

Last edit 26 December 2015