
Exercise and activity

Science is all about honest discovery. Researchers test an idea with data that they or others have gathered. If the idea appears true they publish it so others can try to repeat the proof and can criticise the methods used. Above all it is data that decides the matter.

Over the last few years ideas about the wisdom and best type of exercise have been under study. At one time doing lots of exercise such as running, that causes impacts to the joints, was thought to be potentially harmful. Then evidence seemed to suggest that, far from damaging joints and cartilages, some impact keeps them in good condition.

In the same way duration and intensity of exercise have come under scrutiny. Athletes who have day after day of intense exercise, such as professional tour cyclists or frequent marathon runners, do seem to lower the resistance of their bodies to disease and injury. More recently guidelines have changed to limiting high intensity exercise such as high speed cycling on a trainer to minutes or even seconds. The effect seems as good as longer times.

One thing hasn't changed though. Some exercise is essential to good health and a long life. I think it would be good to change the word to 'activity' as the word exercise is off-putting to many people. The indisputable killer is to sit or lie down for a lot of the day. Staying active is the key. Gardening, decorating, climbing stairs speedily, walking and cycling are all examples of health-giving activity. Even standing up to do jobs rather than sitting is beneficial. If you think about the things that you do, and maybe change how you do some of them, you might not need separate exercise.

Elsewhere on this website is information on how to monitor your fitness. There are now excellent devices to test yourself. Take care though. The 10,000 steps idea which is included on many exercise monitors was invented in the 1960s by a Japanese company selling a new device. It has absolutely no basis in fact, except of course you will no doubt do yourself good by doing them or half the number or a quarter.


(C) Peter Scott 2021

Last edit 26 August 2021